01 02 03 MY SWEET KYOTO: Konjaku Nishimura, antique kimono shop 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Konjaku Nishimura, antique kimono shop

In the area of Gion town of antiques (Furu-Monzen, Shin-Monzen and Nawate streets), there is one shop I'd like to tell you about. Konjaku Nishimura specializes in antique textiles, kimonos and all sort of small articles made of old cloths.
Frankly speaking, the place looks more like a museum than a shop ^^
Even this guy is just for decoration, not for sale! (I asked ^^)
The collection of obi is quite impressive : 
Put this shop on your list of places to visit if you like old japanese textiles. It's really worth the detour!
Shop information :
Address : 36 Benzaiten-cho, Yamatooji Sanjo-kudaru, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto
Tel : (075) 561-1568
Business hours : 10:00~19:00 (Closed on Wednesdays)
Website (in Japanese) : www.konjaku.com

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