01 02 03 MY SWEET KYOTO: Visit to the Kyoto Imperial Palace 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Visit to the Kyoto Imperial Palace

To visit the Kyoto Imperial Palace, you usually have to apply in advance via the Imperial Household Agency. But every spring and autumn, everybody can enter the Palace grounds without application during the special Days Open to the Public, as it was from October 30 to November 5.
Actually, I was glad to come closer to the Shishinden, the most important building within the Palace grounds. During a normal visit, it's not possible..
Visitors could also admire a few ikebana compositions..
..or have a glimpse of the palace interiour with beautiful sliding doors decorations.
Fortunately, the weather was nice, with deep blue sky.
If you're interested, you still have a chance to visit the Palace freely today, on November 5. If not, you can always contact the Imperial Household Agency and apply for a visit with a group.
Website : www.kunaicho.go.jp/eindex.html
Online application for visit : http://sankan.kunaicho.go.jp/english/index.html

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